Friday, March 6, 2015

Library Minutes February 2015

Hancock Library Trustees Minutes

                February 25, 2015

Present: Laurie Bryan, Mary Garland Amy Markus, Suzanne Shevenell, Eric Spitzbarth – Selectman
Meeting called to order at 1:05 pm.
The minutes of January 28, 2105 were reviewed; Bryan, seconded by Garland, made a motion to accept as written.  Motion to accept was unanimous, and minutes were accepted. The Treasurer’s report for the month ending January 31, 2015 was reviewed. An amended chart of accounts, including categories for IT Support, Licenses, and Museum Passes was given to the Trustees. Shevenell made a motion, seconded by Bryon to accept a $5000 gift received during the month.  Bryon seconded the motion, and the vote of acceptance of this money was unanimous. In addition the Trustees noted with gratitude the receipt of $500 from the Hancock’s Women’s’ Club, which is designated by the Club to be spent on the Children’s Summer Reading Program. Bryon made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report for January 2105, which was seconded by Garland. Motion to accept was unanimous and the financial reports were accepted.

Director’s Report:
 Waterline: Markus reported that waterline to the building was frozen. Physical examination of the line was made and the consensus is that the water line will be frozen until the spring thaw. Notice of the water freeze issue has been posted on the Library’s web site, and Markus has brought in stored water to be used if and when needed.
Apollo ILS System: Markus demonstrated to the Trustees the program feature that allows posting of upcoming Library events on the home page of our website. Additionally, the trustees were introduced to the Patron Book Review Feature, which will allow readers to rate and comment on books from our collection.
Children’s Librarian: Markus is very pleased with Mrs. Faucher’s first weeks as Children’s Librarian. Patrons are happy with her programs, and enthusiasm!
March and April Programs: Markus presented the following program schedule summary, again noting that additional information can be found in the Hancock happenings as well as on the Library Website.
March 18: ‘Extreme Couponing’, with Kim Bergeron.
March 31: ‘Cider- It’s History in America’ by Francestown author and editor Ben Watson.
April 2, 9, 23 and 30: ‘An Exploration of Climate Issues’ by John Manley.
April 15: ‘Raised on Songs and Stories’ by Irish Musician Paul Carroll.
Markus informed the Trustees that the first full week in April is National Poetry Week and that our Library will participate in this celebration.
Building Issues: Both Director Markus and the Trustees noted the amount of snow that is currently on the roof.  Given the current amount and the potential for future wet snow and spring rain events the Trustees directed Markus to have the roof over the clapboarded section of the building shoveled as soon as possible.
MS9 report of Trust and Capital Reserve Funds Status:  Markus will check with the Trustees financial advisor to ensure that this report, which was signed by the Trustees in January, is in proper order and has been filed.
Planned Giving: Chairman Bryon stated that a compilation of the history of past gifts to the Library would be the starting point for the launch our campaign for legacy donations and gifts for the Library’s benefit. Additionally it was suggested that a program given by the Library on legacy/ estate planning would be an excellent introduction to the public of this campaign.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Shevenell, seconded by Garland. The Trustees all voted in the affirmative and the meeting was adjourned at 1:50pm.

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