Monday, December 22, 2014

Hancock Library Trustee Minutes 12.17.14

Present: Laurie Bryan, Mary Garland Amy Markus, Suzanne Shevenell, Eric Spitzbarth – Selectman
Meeting called to order at 1:00 pm.
The minutes of November 19, 2104 were reviewed; Bryan, seconded by Garland, made a motion to accept as written.  Motion to accept was unanimous, and minutes were accepted. The Treasurer’s report for the month ending October 31st was reviewed. Specific cost center for Building and Grounds was discussed in detail, with Director Markus explaining that carpet cleaning of the Library and Daniels Room spaces, as well as the new outside sign was reflected in these numbers. The Trustees and Markus agreed that a detailed review of the paid bills relative to general ledger cost centers would be done before finalizing the 2014 Income and Expense Reports. The report for the period ending November 30th was not available due to the early meeting date of this month. The Trustees will review the last 2 months financials at their January, 2015 meeting. Bryan, seconded by Garland to approve the October report, made a motion. Report was accepted unanimously.

Director’s Report: Markus reported that the Apollo ILS System is working very well.  Patrons are using the Reserve a Book/Item from their homes, new patron cards are issued, and the staff is becoming familiar with the program.
Children’s Librarian Position Update:  Ads have been placed in local papers as well as on line with appropriate NH state sources.  Markus is very pleased with Teresa Earle’s work and her enthusiasm in providing coverage during this period.
Year End Reports: Both Markus and Bryan will prepare the yearend reports required by the Town.  The Trustees will review, sign, copy and file the yearend report from US Trust upon receipt of it.
Markus noted that the Library would be closed on the following holidays:  Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Day.

The Trustees will attend, at the request of the Select Board a meeting to review the 2015 budget on Friday December 19, 2014 at the Town Hall offices at 1:30pm.

Other Business: Contingency Planning: Bryan stated the need of adding phone numbers of all Trustees, and Staff to the Hancock Town Library Policy Handbook. Keys will be distributed to all Trustees.  The Trustees will also receive training in operating the Apollo ILS System, as a backup to the Library Director and Staff.

The next Library Meeting will be at 1:oo pm on January 28, 2015.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bryan, seconded by Garland.  The Trustees all voted in the Affirmative and the meeting was adjourned at 2:10pm.

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